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August 1, 2008
My Son's SpiritRate this encounter: Dawn, [location withheld], Since July of 2007To give you some background, my family has always had an intuitive bent. My mother was psychic, though she never mentioned it. She was afraid of it, and of what others would say. She just knew what we were doing, and whether or not we were into trouble. I'm intuitive, to a point, an energy worker, and I can see the energy field around plants, people, and even inanimate objects, I'm able to work with "ghosts" and spirits. If they're stuck here, I've helped a few cross over to where they should have gone. My daughter has precognitive dreams, and my granddaughter can see spirits and interact with them. My 30-year-old son died in July of 2007. The loss was unexpected, and hit the entire family very hard. John died three hours or so before I arrived home from a trip. The train bringing me home was about four hours late. Regret over that trip will haunt me for a bit. If only I'd paid attention to the voice in my head that urged me to stay home... Since John's death, I've had many instances that tell me he's still about. He comes and goes between places and planes of existence, wherever the need takes him. One day I overslept, and I could feel him shaking my shoulder gently, I heard his voice saying, "Mom, mom," just as he would in life. I responded with, "I know, John. I know." As I came to full wakefulness, I realized that he was dead. I used to come home, and the front hall would reek of vodka, cigarette smoke, and the awful smell of the cologne he liked so well. Since this aroma was particularly his, I guessed it was John's way of greeting me. I'd say, "Hi, John," and the smell would disappear! I feel his presence about me so often. One of my friends at work would tell me that John had appeared to him, or would follow him home. My friend gave me info that only John could relate. It was a nice validation. John always swore he would watch over my daughter and her kids, and that's where a lot of his activity centers. When he's sending a warning, he turns on anything that's electronic, like a battery powered toothbrush, a shaver, the TV, whatever will make noise and get someone's attention. He's scared my daughter silly a few times, the first time was at 2:00 am. My daughter thought one of the kids had gotten up and was playing in the bathroom. All of the electric tooth brushes, and the shaver were on. When she checked on the kids, they were fast asleep. She took the items to her room so that they would stay off. Suddenly the TV went on in the living room, and things sounded as though they were being moved about. She got up to turn off the TV, but didn't find anyone in the living room. That's when she realized that her brother was the culprit. My daughter now realizes that John isn't being malicious. He just needs to get her attention, and then things will settle down. She has a violent ex-boyfriend, and whenever he's thinking of doing something that will cause her harm, things start going off like crazy. She knows that this guy is going to do something because a friend has been keeping her informed, after the fact. John's ability to set things off has become his sister's early warning detection system! I don't call John a "ghost." To my mind, ghosts are beings caught between planes of existence, many times not even realizing that they've passed on. John's spirit is conscious. He can go from our plane of existence, into the "light" or whatever you want to call it, and back. He brings protection, love, and a marvelous sense of humor. I was crying one day over his loss, and saying out loud that I should have been kinder, helped him out more, and I heard his voice loud and clear in my right ear, "Damn straight!" And he was laughing, which made me laugh. What he said was meant to be a sarcastic joke. I miss being able to hug him, going places with him, and the normal day-to-day stuff, but I know that his spirit survives, and that gives me great comfort. So many things have happened since John's death. They validate the soul's or spirit's survival beyond the physical plane. It's changed his sister's perception of death, brought insight to others, and if I ever had a doubt, it's gone now. Thanks for taking the time to read this! If it never gets onto your website, but gives one person who reads these words comfort, I'm happy.
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