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March 19, 2008
Shoe Shopping From BeyondRate this encounter: Suzanne, Huntington Beach, California, February 25, 2008This is not a typical sighting, but the experience has touched me and my family deeply as this just occurred. My Aunt who was very tuned into and believed in the paranormal world, passed away after a long illness on February 20, 2008. Her name was Marion, and she was a kind soul with a fun sense of humor. The funeral arrangements were in full swing, and my sisters and I were given tasks to fill. I had offered to find her final attire and we all agreed on a lovely pale green dress with silver beading, but we needed to find shoes. I am a shoe queen, so I headed out to my favorite store. Standing there in the quiet of the aisle of dozens of shoes, I asked my aunt (in my head) to guide me to the pair she liked. I walked around the corner and there sitting by itself was a small box containing a pair of light silver slippers. These lovely ballet flats were the exact size and color I needed. They were simple and pretty. There was only this one box and this one style in the entire store (and it was in her size). I picked up the shoes and looked for a tag. But there was not one price tag or style number or anything. That was very strange, as this store plasters the shoe boxes with security and item numbers, etc. It is a pet peeve of mine! I looked for a sales person and found a young woman who I had never seen working there before. She looked at the slippers and took out her pen and wrote the price and SKU number on the box like she knew it by heart. I thanked her, and as she turned to walk away, she smiled and said, "If you have any problems at the sales desk, tell them Marion helped you!" I stopped dead in my tracks and smiled. Coincidence? Maybe, but I think my aunt was telling me that she was there, and that yes, I am okay where I am at. I couldn't wait to tell my family what had happened! We all loved our aunt very much, and we always said that we would try to communicate from the next world if we went before each other! And my aunt, with her fun sense of humor would say, "How exciting to think we can still shop from beyond!"
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