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2012 Encounters:
Guardian Angel? -- Cork, Ireland

Haunted North Dakota -- North Dakota

Creepy Old Man at the Foot of the Bed -- Allendale, Michigan

Halloween Ouija Night -- Stoke-on-Trent, United Kingdom

A Random Encounter -- Slough, United Kingdom

Dogface and Cloaked Figures -- Gloucestershire, United Kingdom

An Unwelcomed Attachment -- Ashburn, Virginia

In The Ipod's Reflection -- United Kingdom

The Grey Lady of Birmingham -- United Kingdom

Weird Things in Brighton -- United Kingdom

Haunted Daughter -- California

The Haunted Third Floor -- Wethersfield, Connecticut

A Blessed Rosary -- Phoenix, Arizona

The House of Many Experiences - Brandenton, Florida

Phantom Great Dane - Darlington

Adventures at the Sagamore Resort --Upstate New York

A Ghost Who Can Spell -- Bluffton, Indiana

Menancing Spirit -- Loves Park, Illinois

Visits from the Virgin Mary - Hollsopple, Pennsylvania

Get Out of My House - Lennox, South Dakota

Mrs. Mary Finch - Location Unknown

Apparition Caught at Rolling Hills Asylum - East Bethany, New York

My Daughter Reaches Out From The Beyond - United States

Doppelganger in the House - United States

Dark Entity - Lancaster, Pennsylvania

Haunted Garage - Watauga, Texas

Phantom Rooftop Figure - Devon, United Kingdom

The Grandparent's Weird House - Fresno, California

Wolf Ghost - Waco, Kentucky

Rude Awakening - Winnsboro, Texas

Spooky Funeral Home - Tustin, California

Spectral Roommate - Boston, Massachusetts

Haunted Life - Tennessee

Astral Torment - Poland

Happy Ghost Cat - New River, Arizona

A Very Strange Turn of Events - United Kingdom

Tales from the Crystal Ball - Manchester, United Kingdom

Spectral Roommate - Boston, Massachusetts

Dancing Ghosts - Union, New Jersey

Visit From An Irish Grandmother - Belfast, Northern Ireland

Haunted Desert Home - Lancaster, California

Tall Shadow Figure - Saratoga Springs, New York

A Night In An Abandoned Asylum - Connecticut

Visit from the Beyond - Suffolk, England

Bubby's Visit - Pomeroy, Ohio

September 29, 2012

A Random Encounter

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Adam -- Slough, United Kingdom -- Summer 1974

I have had many experiences over the years. I am posting this because I bought The Ghost Files and found out about

I have never been shy about talking about my encounters but I have never seen a relative or friend, nor have I or been in a historic building or landmark when my encounters occurred. It has always been random. I never have a warning when they are about to happen. It just...happens.

Most are quite ordinary I suppose, but two encounters in my 20's were physical and terrifying. One, in particularly, occured when I was aged 14. I delivered newspapers before school. This morning it was a bright blue sky and about 6.30 a.m. The girl that sorted the papers out had mixed them up. I realised this when I took the paper out the sack for the first house.

I sat on the curb to rearrange them. It was a cul-de-sac, not a soul in sight or a car in motion. I stood up everything in order, turned to go through the first gate and there she was -- the ghost -- right in front of me.

This was summer so I was in a tee shirt and jean jacket. This lady was dressed for a cold winter. She was at least 60 years old and stood about 5 ft 2". She had a head scarf and a heavy winter coat that went below her knees. She wore Derry boots (sheep skin lined ankle boots with a zip up the front). She also donned black framed glasses. She looked me straight in the face and had a big open smile, and looked solid as you or I.

"Morning! It is a lovely day isn't it" I said. She said nothing, just looked and smiled.

I continued, "You on an early shift?" No response. She just looked and smiled. I was feeling a bit uncomfortable and remember thinking idiot. I then said "I'm running late, I'd better crack on."

Right then she disappeared. Not a fade away type of vanishing but like a light being turned off. The only thing I felt at that point was ridged fear. I don't know why it happened or if it was a message. Maybe it was an imprint ghost.

This was my first obvious encounter. I tend to ignore shadows or voices and put them down to being tired or lucid dreaming. But when I'm awake and active and I have encounters I know they are real.

2014 Haunted New England Wall Calendar by Jeff Belanger photography by Frank Grace
Check out the 2014 Haunted New England wall calendar by Jeff Belanger and photography by Frank Grace!

Paranormal Conferences and Lectures
Don't miss the following events and lectures:

Jeff Belanger and “The Bridgewater Triangle” at Dedham Community Theatre - April 6, 2014 9:00PM

The Spirits of the Mark Twain House - Hartford, Connecticut - April 12, 2014

Paracon Australia - East Maitland, New South Wales, Australia - May 10-12, 2014

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