The Girl on the Lake
Witness: Bill Warren Location: Trillium Lake, Oregon Date of Encounter: September 1, 2014 My name is Bill Warren. I was […]
Witness: Bill Warren Location: Trillium Lake, Oregon Date of Encounter: September 1, 2014 My name is Bill Warren. I was […]
Witness: Moe McKenna Location: Halifax, Massachusetts Date of Encounter: August 19, 1978 All kinds of weird things used to happen
Witness: Robert Smith Location: Chicago, Illinois Date of Encounter: September 1, 1969 When I got back from Vietnam I went
Witness: Bones Mckavanagh Location: Trenton, Ontario, Canada Date of Encounter: June 15, 2013 Yep, sounds familiar, sounds like a typical
Attention Alaska residents – Have you experienced a paranormal encounter? Do you believe you’re haunted by a ghost or have
Witness: S.L. Location: Jasper, Tennessee Date of Encounter: September 10, 2014 Just the other night my son came out of
In Mission 171 we explore some haunted rock n’ rollers with author and paranormal investigator Angelka Rogers! From recording studios
Witness: Amanda Groetzinger Location: Columbus, Ohio Date of Encounter: October 15, 1992 My house was always kind of creepy to
In Mission 170 we explore American Monsters with author and journalist Linda S. Godfrey! Air, land, and water — no
Witness: Jimmy Sutton Location: Jacksonville, Florida Date of Encounter: October 1973 I was in my Mother and Father’s bedroom by