Ghosts, Haunting, and Legends

Sarah Soderlund

Sarah Soderlund is a forensic psychologist and published author, but also a wife and mother. She applies her education and experiences living in a haunted house to her studies in parapsychology. Enjoy her photography, her research on psychopaths and her psychobabble on everyday life at the following sites:
Mysteries of the Mind
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When individuals come to me with their experiences, I must first consider bias and perspective. I assume they know my background (why I’m usually...
Mysteries of the Mind
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It is with no surprise that one can find documentation of the curiosities of what lingers beyond the human realm in the skies and...
Mysteries of the Mind
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A common phrase you hear quite often when working within the Paranormal circuit is ‘spirit guide’. Convention lectures, spiritualist books, Native American conversation, or...
Mysteries of the Mind

Paranormal investigators have strayed from the term ‘ghost hunter’ as they fear it implies the hobby parts of the paranormal field and that their...
Mysteries of the Mind
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I haven’t always loved language. In fact, I distinctly remember the minus sign perched aside my expected ‘A’ in advanced English class; my first...
Mysteries of the Mind
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I have always been fond of the reoccurring themes in horror movies. Those moments that flash across the screen making everyone, regardless of their...
Mysteries of the Mind
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As a forensic psychologist who specializes in language, I am always interested in the ‘witch’ this time of year. As Halloween icons show their...
Mysteries of the Mind
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Staying true to our recent theme of folklore, childhood tales, and exaggerations of truth, I wanted to highlight a recent spotlighted fairytale. As...
Mysteries of the Mind
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One question I frequently get asked is to explain something fascinating that I have experienced working as a forensic psychologist in the metaphysical community....
Mysteries of the Mind
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The deep yearning to make a connection with lost traditions of superstitions and folklore always have me searching for the little details that have...