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November 20, 2013 My Psychic AwakeningCassandra -- San Diego, California -- July 11, 2013Rate this encounter: The last few nights have really been changing my life, but last night was the ultimate experience I could even being to describe. I've been hearing footsteps outside my door and window and seeing really faint flashes of light in my bedroom. I've been getting these really crazy whiffs of the scent of what my grandma used to smell like before she got sick... she also died very recently, but I very much accepted it because I just wanted for her to be in a good place and not be in pain. I could feel all the people that were trying to get ahold of me in the room, and when I would talk to them, I could hear them respond in faint voices as if they were far away or as if the wind was taking them along. I would ask them very respectfully what they were trying to tell me, and I got the main idea of the message but it was very hard to talk details because I have yet to learn to really listen to what they were trying to say, so I would need to ask them to please repeat what they were saying. It was so surreal. I could feel it in my body like as if I had taken substances to alter my perception, but it was their way of communicating with me. I have been having difficulties in my life as well as my significant other, and I feel as if they are trying to send a message to him through me and being around him triggered something in me to be able to look into the path of that other world. If someone can help me and guide me I think I can help myself change my life for the better, and most importantly possible warn and save other people’s lives. I am always open to feedback. I am also having a hard time accepting the fact that I just may have another sense to me because for twenty five years I have been living on this earth not having any clue as to why I am here or for what purpose, and why I have been to chosen to be this person in this life.
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