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November 1, 2013 A Visit from My FriendBarbara Hanley -- Central Falls, Rhode Island -- May 1964Rate this encounter: When I was 14-years-old, a close friend drowned in Onley Pond, Lincoln Woods, in Lincoln, Rhode Island. I was very upset about his death -- it was the first death of a close friend. The night before his wake I was awakened by a hand crossing my face. I was asleep on my side facing the wall. I shared the room with my sister, Judy, and we had twin beds with a chair in the middle of the room separating the beds. When I turned, I saw my friend, Donald Smith sitting in the chair. He was looking forward, had on a black suit, white shirt, and black tie. I filliped out screaming and when my mother came in the room he was gone. The next day was the wake. When I entered the room and saw him in his coffin he had on the same clothing I saw him in the night before sitting in the chair. He has not visited me since. Another time when I was eighteen, in December of 1968, and a brand new mother of a little girl, born in November, my husband, Ken, was in the Air Force and stationed in Panama, Canal Zone and I was living with my grandparents in Cumberland, Rhode Island. One night I put her in the bassinet and then crawled under my covers. I was awakened feeling a weight on my chest and couldn't move, frozen to my bed, and could not move. I remember my grandmother telling me if anything happens to me just remember to repeat, "stay under the blood of Christ." So that is what I did, repeated and repeated it, suddenly I sprung up in bed and heard a strong male voice say, "I will speak with you now." I jumped out of bed, grabbed my baby, and ran to my grandparents’ room. They were both asleep. I ran through the rest of the house only to find it dark and quiet. To this day I wonder what the message was. Through my life many things such of this has happened to me.
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