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April 29, 2013 Pilgrim Ghosts?Carolyn -- Plymouth, Massachusetts -- November 2004Rate this encounter: Plimoth Plantation is a recreation museum of many acres of the original Puritan Pilgrim Settlement and the Wompanoag natives' way of life. I was at a Thanksgiving-themed banquet, complete with song, stories, costumes, and food of early 17th century England. Very enjoyable, albeit, a "dry" event! I was tucking into my pomion and cheesecake serve on a pewter trench. To my left was my dinner partner, who was talking to his neighbour. Suddenly, I felt a hard tapping - three times - on my left shoulder! Thinking it was a (rude) server, I quickly turned. No one was there. My friend was deeply engrossed in conversation. I turned to my right, and scanned the hall. No one was near, no one could have touched me. I welcome any other accounts of inexplicable incidents of Plimoth Plantation!
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