Ghosts, Haunting, and Legends

Lee Prosser

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Raymond Buckland is well-known to readers of the supernatural, paranormal, and occult. Blessed with an inquisitive mind, and a wry sense...
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For the ghost hunters and those interested in the paranormal, a new film debuted in theaters on January 7, 2005 titled...
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Forty-two years and over 5,000 nonfiction books later, there are certain truths I have encountered about India and its supernatural heritage...
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During the Christmas season, and close to Christmas Day, there are oftentimes found reports of hauntings and ghosts. This can be...
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I was recently examining some old road maps. They were published during the 1940s. The three maps were of Missouri, Oklahoma,...
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One looks at the location of Witches, Druids, Pagans, Golden Dawn, Wiccans, Shamans, and the Neo-Pagans, and where are they? A...