Ghosts, Haunting, and Legends


Witness: Derrick Farrier Location: Hamer, South Carolina Date of Encounter: 2010-2013 I don't know the true story behind this...

Witness: Maria Sandra Amador Location: Buckeye, Arizona Date of Encounter: 1986 I know this might sound weird or false, but it really happened. I was like about 13...

Witness: Carolyn Location: Plymouth, Massachusetts Date of Encounter: November 2004 Plimoth Plantation is a recreation museum of many...

Witness: Anonymous Location: El Paso, Texas Date of Encounter: 1988 This isn't really a typical ghost story, and I...

Witness: Linda Location: Washington, Indiana Date of Encounter: Summer of 1970 We were on vacation and visiting my grandmother....

Witness: Jamie Location: Mentor, Minnesota Date of Encounter: 1970 This encounter was told to me by mother, now deceased, about ten years after...

In Mission 125 we explore the secret space program with author and journalist, and Emmy-award winning producer Tim R. Swartz. Swartz is the co-author...

In Mission 124 we explore Rhode Island Sasquatch...

In Mission 123 we explore The Paranormal...