Raymond Buckland

Raymond Buckland is well-known to readers of the supernatural, paranormal, and occult. Blessed with an inquisitive mind, and a wry sense of humor, he had been educating and entertaining readers for many years. His efforts to separate myth from fact concerning Witchcraft and supernatural topics have oftentimes made him a target of religious groups, but he has succeeded. 

Buckland was born in London, England on August 31, 1934. His father was a full-blood Gypsy. He was brought up in the Church of England but his religious interests tended towards Wicca, the supernatural, and the occult. Many readers say he looks like the twin brother of British character actor, Alan Badel, who starred in such movies as Children of the Damned (1964) and The Adventurers (1970). Buckland himself appeared in theater at the Nottingham Repertory Theater in England.

Buckland founded Seax-Wica, based on Saxon precepts. The rituals and comments by Buckland were later published in The Tree: Complete Book of Saxon Witchcraft (1974). He appeared as a psychiatrist in the movie Mutants in Paradise. Among his film and video work is the intriguing Witchcraft Yesterday and Today. For a wide range of information on Buckland, visit his website at www.raybuckland.com.

As a Witch, Buckland attempted to show what Witchcraft was truly about, with a dedication and approach that has continued throughout his life as a Witch. Honest, and straight-forward, he helped dispel many false notions about the supernatural, the paranormal, and Witchcraft.

A prolific writer and active speaker, Buckland has contributed much knowledge to the world of the supernatural. Among his numerous books are found Pocket Guide to the Supernatural (1969), Scottish Witchcraft (1991), Doors to Other Worlds (1993), Advanced Candle Magic (1996), Gypsy Witchcraft and Magic (1998), and The Witch Book: The Encyclopedia of Witchcraft, Wicca, and Neo-paganism (2002). A novelist, he wrote Cardinal’s Sin (1996), among others. 

Buckland and his wife live in Ohio. He continues to write and is on the lecture circuit frequently as a featured speaker on supernatural, paranormal, and Witchcraft topics. He continues to entertain with his writings, and insights. The world would be a much duller place without the presence of Raymond Buckland’s imaginative insights on the world of the supernatural.

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