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October 3, 2008
Mildred's GhostRate this encounter: Nathaniel F., Licking, Missouri - OngoingI have always believed in ghosts, but I had never seen a ghost up until my 4th grade year. It was the typical full moon night, I had fallen asleep about 9 PM, like always, and I never ever wake up during the night. Well, I woke up that night, and it was about 2 AM. I kept hearing "things" running through the hall outside my room, so I sat up and listened to them for a little while longer. They finally stopped, so I laid back down, I opened my eyes, and there was an apparition. It looked like a male, it was pretty good size, and it started walking toward my bed. I started freaking out, screaming, crying, I put my head underneath my covers, and didn't sleep the rest of the night. The next day I told my parents about the experience that I had. I thought they were going to be skeptical, but they weren't. We sat and I listened to their experiences. My mom told me that almost everyday, when she's getting ready for work, she hears people talking. She would go and check all the radios and TVs, and they would all be shut off. She would also hear people walking behind her, and she would be the only one at home because me and my siblings would be at school, and my dad works in the woods, so he gets up early and heads out. Now, since we moved from there, we live in this other house, which we believe is also "haunted." I use that term loosely, because I think of a haunting as a bad ghost or poltergeist activity. We have a ghost in our house, and we see her on a regular basis. The first few times, it was scary, yeah, but I guess it's weird, we just got use to it. The first time we ever saw her was the first month that we lived there. My mom and dad both woke up at the same time, and they saw an old lady dressed in an old apron and dress. When they awoke and saw her standing to the side of their bed, the ghost just turned away and walked out of their room and into the dining room. Then, about two weeks later, I was laying in bed (me and my brother share a room, but my brother was at our grandpa's house, so it was me alone) and I was just laying there when I heard a creaking noise, like a bed spring noise. I looked over and I saw my brother's bed indent, as if there was somebody sitting there. I laid there and watched it for a little while, and after a bit, I heard the springs lift back up and the bed became unindented. A couple of days later, we were getting ready to eat supper, about 6:30 or 7, and dad happened to look out the window and the ghost was standing out in the front yard, leaning against a tree. That happens on a regular basis, it's not crazy to walk out and see her standing up and leaning on a tree, or wandering through the yard. My dad named the ghost, since we have moved in there, he has had a strong feeling that her name is Mildred -- that name just got stuck in his head. Well, later on me and my cousin, we rode over the cemetery across the road, and we found this tombstone that has the name inscribed in it, Mildred B. I have yet to research it, but thanks for giving me the chance to share my stories.
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