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March 4, 2008
The Slender SpiritRate this encounter: Marlen, Pembroke Pines, Florida, February 2008I live in a rented home in Broward, Florida, and I have been seeing a black shadow walk across my hall. At first I didn't think anything of it. Then the second time I was like, "Well, maybe it's something or maybe it's nothing." Recently, my fiancé told me that he kept hearing noises in the house when he was alone (only when he's alone) and I said, "Maybe it's a spirit." At that moment my father walks in on our conversation (he lives with us) and said that he too hears noises and that he even sees a black shadow walk across the hall. I made him show me exactly where in the house (we live in a 5 bedroom -- pretty big house), and it happens to be the same place that I see it. Also, his girlfriend saw a white, slender man at my father's bedroom doorway. Doing some research, we asked the landlord and came to find out that the first owners of the home passed while residing in this house. He was a white, slender athletic man. So I believe that the black shadow is a spirit. I don't feel it is harmful -- we've been here for six months already. My fiancé doesn't feel too comfortable knowing this, but for now we are still here. This has never happen to anyone of us before, it is a little freaky -- but as long as we don't get bothered it's okay.
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