April 4, 2005
Entities at a Prayer Meeting
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J. Donoho, Salem, Illinois, March 28, 2005,
Click on pictures for larger view in pop-up

I have a Christian paranormal group called the R4C
(Revolution 4 Christ). All of the members have unique supernatural
gifts, including everything from seeing spirits to telekinesis to
prophetic dreams/visions. And we often meet upstairs in some old
office rooms we're fixing up above my little storefront antique shop
called Salem's Lot.
Anyway, a few members of my group met upstairs to do our thing for a
Resurrection (Easter) prayer meeting this week (March 28th to be
exact) and immediately, all of these entities bombarded the place.
Orbs of light were darting all over the room. One time I was
engulfed in a cloud of like a million pinpoints of visible light and
there was this one big (like 2-feet in diameter) orb of light that
we saw standing in the corner a couple times. And one time I just
felt like someone was standing right behind me staring at me, and
another member of our group saw it too, so I picked up the camera
and just turned it backwards and snapped a random shot over my head
behind me -- I partially caught the apparitions on film.
We didn't spend a lot of time taking pictures because we were busy
praying and meditating, but we caught enough on film to prove to
ourselves that we weren't crazy and our eyes weren't fooling us...
there really were spirits and orbs there.
The first picture is of the orbs that were darting all around
through the air and walls.
The second picture is the one I snapped over my head to see what was
there behind me. That's the top of my hair in the left bottom... but
just to the right, you can see the top of one apparition and the
wall through it and possibly another face above my head on the
The one on the right kind of looks like an old Indian lady (wearing
a Yasser Arafat-style headdress or something), but I can't really
make it out. (Plus, I might be a little bias in my observation of
this one because everyone in my group is part Native American). What
do you think it is?
Anyway, that's all the cool stuff I have to share today.