October 14, 2004
Stephanie in the Window
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Julie Keller and Dave Mackie, Lake Erie
College, Painesville, Ohio, September 11, 2004,
Click on picture for larger view.

Dave and I just did a small ghost hunt -- we had
checked out some places known to be haunted in Painesville, Ohio. We
came across Lake Erie College. It is known that within the College
Hall that a girl named Stephanie back in the 1800's had committed
suicide by hanging herself in the belfry. It has been so notorious
for the haunting that they had to close off the forth floor of the
We tried getting to the forth floor, but the doors had been locked
from inside the building with chairs placed in front of them. We had
climbed the fire escapes only to find out that the outer doors of
the building had been boarded shut.
Legend has it that on the first floor is a room known as the Social
Parlor. (The doors were also conveniently locked to this room as
well.) It is said that there is a mirror in this room that Stephanie
uses as a portal to roam around the building. Dave and I were able
to peer into this room from outside the building, and we did see the
very large mirror. We had done a lot of coxing to the spirit of
Stephanie while we were inside College Hall. As we left, Dave
decided to take a picture of the outside of the building... and
behold what we believe is the apparition of Stephanie peering out at
us as we were leaving. She is in the first window closest to the
belfry on the forth floor (circled). It seems to us that some of her
dress is partially hanging into the window below the window she is
in. We are going back in two weeks to do a follow-up investigation.
We did venture back today to check out that window one last time
before I had to leave for home... there is no explanation for the
cause of her figure in the window. With the 4th floor being barren
and locked up, there is nothing in the windows.
Also, the date on the photo is definitely wrong, it was taken
September 11th 2004, and as you can see on the clock, the time was
about 3:25 PM.