Paranormal and Parapsychological Organization Heading in New Direction

New research organization formed with goal of uniting the best and the brightest of their fields.

In the paranormal and parapsychological community, there has been much distention due to the lack of individual research groups willing to share their data and evidence with others. This further leads to the problem that there are no standardizations and guidelines from which the communities can conduct their research with as few false positives as possible. In order for the paranormal and parapsychological fields to be recognized by the general scientific community, it is imperative that an organization is created to help develop these standardizations, guidelines, and universal classification systems. 

This is why The Anomalous Research Center (The A.R.C.) has been founded. Headquartered in the Champaign-Urbana area of Illinois, the purpose of The A.R.C. is to make it easier for researchers from all over the world to share their data and evidence. The A.R.C. is dedicated to education in paranormal research and parapsychology and holds strict scientific codes of conduct while exploring various methodologies in their research. “An organization like this,” said Dwayne Claud of Western New York Paranormal, “will bring people together with different backgrounds and specialties with the soul purpose of advancing the field.”

Research groups from all over the world can immediately benefit from The A.R.C.’s variety of features. From the bi-monthly A.R.C. Radio Podcast and The A.R.C. community forums, to product and technology reviews, software downloads, articles, and much more. The A.R.C. is an interactive community for people who are serious about paranormal research and parapsychology. The A.R.C. will appeal to a broad range of researchers, from the experienced to the novice.

One of the main focuses of The A.R.C. is The A.R.C. Council. The A.R.C. Council will be a balanced group of individuals from a diverse array of backgrounds and studies. From Demonologists, E.V.P. researchers, Photography experts, and the like, this will allow for all view points to be accounted for and presented for debate. The council is made up of top researchers in both fields, coming together to discuss the evidence that has been gathered over the numerous years. With this evidence the council will develop standardizations, guidelines, and universal classification systems that will make it easier for research groups from all over the world to share their data and evidence. “This is a great opportunity to help others in the field with examining and authenticating evidence collected during investigations,” said Bryan Bonner of The Rocky Mountain Paranormal Research Society.

The Anomalous Research Center is a world-wide hub for parapsychology and paranormal research. Its dedication to these fields will benefit anyone who conducts serious research and is committed to advancing their field. The Anomalous Research Center invites every researcher to join this community.

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If you would like more information about The Anomalous Research Center, please contact Jeremy Hawthorne at (217) 531-7988 or e-mail Jeremy at

You can also visit for more information.

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