Our Haunted Lives Real Ghost Encounters
Our Haunted Lives Puts a Chill in Your Summer Reading With Real Ghost Encounters
From George Lutz’s Amityville haunting to the things that go bump in the night at your neighbors’ houses, Jeff Belanger’s new book of interviews shows the profound nature of the supernatural experience through the words of eyewitnesses.
BELLINGHAM, MASSACHUSETTS, July 13, 2006 — Ghosts are real. That’s what millions of people from all over the world know for a fact because they’ve experienced spirits and specters first-hand, and the event is life-changing and profound. In Our Haunted Lives: True Life Ghost Encounters, author Jeff Belanger examines this experience by speaking with dozens of witnesses to supernatural phenomena. The powerful nature of these paranormal events is captured in the words of the people who saw, heard, and felt ghosts.
In Our Haunted Lives, readers will hear from people who lived in haunted homes. People like George Lutz, whose experiences in the infamous house in Amityville, New York in 1975 captivated the world and spurned the launch of several books and movies over the past three decades — each subject to varying degrees of sensationalism. In many ways, Mr. Lutz’s own account of what happened to him and his family is more frightening than anything Hollywood could dream up. The interview in Our Haunted Lives was one of the last major interviews Mr. Lutz gave before his death in May of this year.
Other encounters explored in this ground-breaking book include: Ghosts We Know — witnesses talk about seeing and sometimes even communicating with a person they not only recognize, but know to be dead; Ghosts on the Job — you think dealing with your boss and coworkers can be difficult? Try sharing your workspace with ghosts. Other categories of experiences included are: Haunted Hotels and Inns, Near-Death Experiences, While You Were Sleeping, Ghost Hunting, and Ghosts Out and About.
“Over the years I’ve heard from hundreds of people who have experienced a brush with the supernatural,” said Jeff Belanger, author of Our Haunted Lives. “The most compelling evidence of the existence of ghosts is the testimony of those who have experienced them. My objective was to capture not only the experiences but the nature and nuances of the language people use to relate these profound events. The format and style of this book is a nod to the great interviewer and author Studs Terkel, whose work served as the inspiration for Our Haunted Lives.”
About Jeff Belanger
Jeff Belanger leads a very haunted life. He’s been fascinated with the supernatural since age ten when he investigated his first haunted house during a sleepover. In 1999 he launched Ghostvillage.com (www.ghostvillage.com) as a repository for his writings on the subject of the supernatural. The site has since grown to become one of the largest paranormal communities on the Web, receiving more than five million hits per month. Belanger is also the author of: The World’s Most Haunted Places, Communicating With the Dead, Encyclopedia of Haunted Places, and The Nightmare Encyclopedia. He’s been a guest on hundreds of radio programs around the world and has also been featured on television programs covering the paranormal.
About Our Haunted Lives
Our Haunted Lives: True Life Ghost Encounters (ISBN: 1-56414-856-4, pages: 222, price: $14.99) was published by New Page Books (a subsidiary of Career Press) in July of 2006. The book features dozens of interviews with eyewitnesses of supernatural phenomena from around the globe. The book is available at Barnes & Noble, Borders, Amazon.com, and many other booksellers.
Press Contact:
Jeff Belanger
Email: info@ghostvillage.com