Mystery of the Ghost of the Hotel Del Coronado

SAN DIEGO, California — Researchers use a new process called “Interdimensional Communication” to separate fact from fiction on the internationally famous legend of Kate Morgan, the Hotel Del Coronado’s most longstanding guest.

The “Legend” would have you believe that Kate Morgan was under the assumed name of Mrs. Lottie A. Bernard when she checked into the Hotel Del Coronado on the afternoon of November 24th, 1892. She is accused of being a swindler and a cheat, using her charms to cheat men out of their money. She is married to a gambler and pregnant and riding the rails. She is also ruled a suicide when she is found dead on the steps leading to the beach on the morning of November 29, 1892. Not only is this legend completely untrue for Kate Morgan, it is even more wrong when the legend is not even about the correct person. Mrs. Lottie A. Bernard is not Kate Morgan.

Bonnie Vent (Research Medium located in San Diego, California) spoke with the famous spirit. “The first thing she wanted to make clear is that she is not Kate Morgan and her real name is Mrs. Lottie A. Bernard, the widow of John Bernard,” Vent said. “This is the main reason why Lottie stays at the Hotel Del Coronado. She is waiting for her true story to be told.”

There have been several books written about this case, but her identity was never questioned until now. With this new information in hand, provided by Mrs. Lottie A. Bernard herself, research into the facts of the case were initiated.

According the San Diego Union December 2nd, 1892, Mrs. Lottie A. Bernard was seen on a train in Denver, CO heading to Coronado, CA. Kate Morgan was under the assumed name of Katie Logan in Los Angeles, CA. To quote the San Diego Union: “A bell boy of Hotel Del Coronado said yesterday that he was told by Joseph E. Jones of Boston, who came to the hotel on Thanksgiving Day, that the latter was a fellow passenger in the same car from Denver with the young woman.” “Mr. Jones said that he had not mentioned the fact as he was averse to being called to testify before the coroner’s jury”.

Mr. Jones was never called to testify, even though he was a key witness. His name is listed directly after hers on the hotel register. Mr. Jones is the same person who saw Mrs. Lottie A. Bernard arguing on the train in Orange, CA. This argument is a corner stone to the legend. Some of the newspaper account was used for the legend but not all of it. If Mrs. Bernard were on a train heading from Denver to the Hotel Del Coronado she cannot be Kate Morgan. Kate Morgan under the name of Katie Logan left her employer’s home the day before Thanksgiving and said she would return the next day to make a Thanksgiving Dinner, she never returned, but she could not be on a train in Denver several days before leaving her employer’s home.

This is just an example of the facts given by the famous spirit at the Hotel Del Coronado. Research is ongoing and additional funding is needed.

Media Contact: Bonnie Vent – bvent [at]
Sample Footage of actual communication from the documentary Conversations with the Dead:

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