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September 20, 2010
Huaka'i Po/Night Marchers at Keawaula BeachRate this encounter: Pikake - Yokohama Bay Makaha, Hawaii - 1989My family and I were out for a night drive and decided to head to Keawaula Beach in Yokohama Bay, Makaha. It is a drive we took many times to watch the sunsets or to gaze at the stars. On this night we really didn't notice how dark the night seemed. As we entered the park it seemed as though we were the only ones there. My sister needed to use the bathroom which is located near the entrance of the park. When we stopped we noticed three lights at the end of the park about a quarter mile away. Most locals tend to park there to avoid police patrols who most times won't go that far into the park. We assumed that some locals attracted the attention of some officers. As we were getting back into the car we noticed that these lights way at the end of the park changed from blue to green. Soon these lights started toward us. As these lights would bounce up and down the number of lights would multiply by hundreds at a time. Each light was only about three inches long and four to five feet off of the ground. This covered the whole beach from the mountain to ocean which is about two to three football fields wide. All of the lights move up and down at the same time each time multiplying by the hundreds. It soon gained on us near the entrance in a matter of 30 seconds. We all got back into the car and quickly left. These light were about 40 feet away from our car but we couldn't make out what it was. As we left the park we passed another car, we were so frightened that we drove as fast as we could to the nearest convenience store and stopped to talk about what we just seen. As we did this, the car who passed us before heading to the park, drove right pass us at a high rate of speed. It is later that I found out it was the Huaka'i Po or the Night Marchers carrying their kukui nut candles.
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