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June 23, 2010
The Ghost of Nicole By the BridgeRate this encounter: Ian - Rochester, Illinois - March 20, 2010I am a 12 year old boy and what I liked to do is rollerblade, ride my scooter, and my bike. And where I like to ride is on a bike trail. One day I was riding down the bike trail when I was approaching a bridge, there was a person standing there. It was a girl. I thought she was a little strange because she was in full black. She looked like she was 20, but I have no idea though because I was pretty far away. I thought she was lost so I asked if she was lost. There was no response. So then I started getting a little scared, but I wanted to find out why she was standing there. After awhile I gave up and started to go. When I turned around to check if she was still there, she wasn't. After that I got scared, so I started going faster. Then I turned around again and there she was. I got really scared. Then she disappeared one more time. The next day I came back with my friend -- his name is Niall. I told him this story and he believed me and he said he wanted to go ghost hunting with me. So we went out at 9:00 and we went pretty far on the trail and then we saw it. She was a black object. She was running and would disappear then appear. It was freaky. My friend and I saw her. After a little bit we took a camera outside and sadly we get nothing. Then I thought we could bring a voice recorder, and we did. After a couple minutes we got something. we asked, "Are you ok Nicole?" And she replied "Help." And by the way I knew that because there was a bench that said "Nicole" on it. It was dedicated for her love of exercising and nature. I think she is that girl that I saw. I think she died there. I need some help to find out if there is a ghost on the bike trail.
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