The Rosicrucians: The History, Mythology, and Rituals of an Occult Order
By Christopher McIntosh
Publisher: Red Wheel Weiser (Third Revised Edition – November 1997)
Pages: 162 – Price: $16.95
Review by Lee Prosser – review
This is one of the finest books about the Rosicrucians found in print. With a foreword by Colin Wilson, and the McIntosh introduction material, the reader is immediately launched into one of the most complex esoteric orders in occult history. There is an accurate inquiry into the role of Freemasonry in preserving the Rosicrucian idea.
This is also the story of Christian Rosenkreuz, the founder of the Fraternity of the Rosy Cross which became known as Rosicrucianism. As a resource tool, this book is ideal for readers, scholars, and all those interested in this highly secret order. Detail upon detail paints a full and complex canvas of what the Rosicrucians achieved worldwide. The roots of this order are found in Hellenic and Arabic sources and include Qabalistic doctrine coupled with medieval mysticism among other traditions of intellectual thought.
There is a fine analysis of Rosicrucianism in the United States. Many important historical figures connected to the secret order are examined and their roles revealed.
There are thirteen chapters in the book. Among the many chapter topics are found such titles as “The Golden and Rosy Cross,” “The Spread of Rosicrucianism,” “The Rosicrucian Movements,” “The Rosicrucian Adept in Literature,” and “Rosicrucianism: A Never-Ending Story.”
If you are interested in a secret order which also influenced the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, Freemasonry, and Alchemy, this book answers the questions and explains what has long been hidden. This is the book to serve as guide and introduction if you want to know about the Rosicrucians.
Four words sum up this fine nonfiction book: accurate, concise, entertaining, and exciting.
Click here to buy this book now.