The Ibis Western Mystery Tradition Series

The Ibis Western Mystery Tradition SeriesThe Ibis Western Mystery Tradition Series

A Handbook of Mystical Theology
By G. B. Scaramelli
Publisher: Ibis Press (October 2005)
Pages: 176 – Price: $14.95

The Adornment of the Spiritual Marriage with the Book of Truth & the Sparkling Stone
By Jan van Ruysbroeck
Publisher: Ibis Press (March 2005)
Pages: 250 – Price: $16.95

The Book of Jubilees or The Little Genesis
By Robert Henry Charles
Publisher: Ibis Press (May 2005)
Pages: 224 – Price: $14.95 review

Ibis Press, an imprint of Nicolas-Hays, is publishing a series of books in its The Ibis Western Mystery Tradition. These are oftentimes apocryphal texts, and touch upon material that held an important sway over medieval minds and ways of thinking about contemplation, the afterlife, and other topics.

A Handbook of Mystical Theology was written by Jesuit father G. B. Scaramelli (1687 – 1752). His writings deal with the contemplative life. Thoughts concerning the contemplative life leading to a reintegration of human spirit with God, also known as the Spiritual Marriage.

The Adornment of the Spiritual Marriage contains three of the best-known works of the 14th century Flemish mystic, Jan Van Ruysbroeck. The central theme is achieving a balanced life of action and contemplation as the true ideal of the Christian soul, and what that soul should become.

The Book of Jubilees is a text. It is a revelation given to Moses by God through the medium of an angel. Translated by R. H. Charles from the Ethiopic text, it is an amazing document and deals with the development of a detailed lunar calendar which would make all festivals fall on a Sunday, with the exception of the Day of Atonement. It is an interesting look at Hebrew life and tradition during the Hellenistic period of history, when the central themes of the Judaeo-Christian culture developed.

As a series, this is enjoyable reading. Each book is different. Each book will touch the reader in different ways. Each book is intriguing in its own particular way.

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