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Home Archives Bide One’s Time: Vedanta and Durga

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Lee Prosser - Bide One's Time is Lee's bi-weekly column on the supernatural.It is interesting that many researchers into the supernatural, paranormal, and occult turn to the ancient literature of India. There is much to be found there.

When looking, for instance, at the Vedic writings, there is a huge collection to savor and investigate. Vedic writings do contain works about magick, and certainly there can be found directions for incantations and spells.

There are writings which will have appeal for different reasons as well. For instance, the “Devi Mahatmyam” also known as the “Durga Saptasati” or “Chandi-Mahatmya,” is a collection of seven hundred verses celebrating the ability of the Divine to overcome and vanquish evil. The presence and love of the Hindu goddess Durga becomes the active divine force in the battle against evil. The powers of this goddess are great and enduring. This collection of verses are actually mantras on Durga. There are many salutations to Durga as the one who takes us safely across all difficulties. 

Although there are many Upanishad texts, those most frequently mentioned are Katha, Isha, Kena, Prasna, Mundaka, Mandukya, Taittiriya, Aitareya, Chandogya, Brihadaranyaka, Kaivalya, and Svetasvatara. Both literature and spiritual inspiration, these texts meet different needs for different people.

At one point in time, the art and practice of Yoga in its various forms was considered an occult science known only to a few. Today, Yoga is found throughout the world. In the USA alone, there is usually some form of Yoga being offered to the public for personal or group use. 

"To Look Within," is the keynote of Vedanta. To understand the power within, to become one with it, to use it for good, and be good and do good are aspects of Vedanta. One does not have to be a Christian, or a Hindu, or a Pagan, to follow the path of Vedanta. Vedanta is open to all, be that person a Witch or a Druid, a Pagan or a Christian. 

Vedanta does not discriminate. The teachings of the Vedics, whether dealing with magick or spiritual development are open to all.

To understand the full scope of magick it is important to research original sources. Looking at the works of the major occult, paranormal, and supernatural writers of the past one-thousand years to the present shows the influence of ancient Vedic writings.

Vedanta and the Vedic writings are open to everybody. Whatever you honestly pursue and seek, you will find.

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