Ghosts, Haunting, and Legends
Home Features The Ghosts of Ventfort Hall in Lenox, Massachusetts

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Built by the J.P. Morgan family, Lenox’s Ventfort Hall is a Gilded Age mansion with ties to the legendary Massachusetts 54th regiment from the Civil War and was host to the people who shaped and molded this country at the turn of the century — the Vanderbilts and the Rockerfellers of the era. And if you’re a movie fan, it was even featured as the titular setting for the Hollywood blockbuster The Cider House Rules. As Legend Hunter Jeff Belanger shows us, in addition to its amazing history it’s also said to be a location for restless spirits.

For more information on Jeff Belanger’s New England Legends DVD series, please visit:

3 replies to this post
  1. holy crap that is a beautiful location! I have not watched the video or read anything about Ventfort Hall, I am just stunned with the beauty of the place! I can’t wait to learn more about it.

  2. We visited and toured the place. It is lovely. Amazing tour guide. During the start of the tour I thought I saw a woman pass in a period black long gown and vanish. Later as I walked on to the veranda, I clearly smelled a high quality cigar. I was CERTAIN there was a man smoking that is how strong the scent was but no one at all was outside whatsoever! Later I mentioned it to my friend… she and I returned to the veranda. As we took in the view, suddenly the scent of the sweet cigar returned and began to grow. No one was there or anywhere nearby at all.

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