The Essence of Tantric Sexuality

The Essence of Tantric Sexuality by Mark A. Michaels and Patricia JohnsonThe Essence of Tantric Sexuality
By Mark A. Michaels and Patricia Johnson
Publisher: Llewellyn Publications (July 2006)
Pages: 207 – Price: $17.95 review

There are oftentimes supernatural and paranormal aspects involving sexual activities. There are as many approaches to sexuality and myth as there are cultures and ethnic groups. The Essence of Tantric Sexuality explains the Hindu Tantric tradition, its philosophy, its principles, exercises, and techniques.

The authors are married and have been teaching Tantra and Kriya Yoga together since 1999. Their joint effort on this book makes for clear understanding and enjoyable reading.

The topics are self-explanatory and cover a full range of material in-depth. Among the many topics is a section on terminology, the power of Yantras as secret Tantric symbols, Kriya Yoga and Tantra with energy and consciousness, the intricate Vama Marga Tantra, sex magick, use of perfume magick, and Tantric erogenic zones. 

Interesting from start to finish, this book has comprehensive illustrations and photographs to accompany the text. Appendices are included at the conclusion of the book.

Autoerotic mysticism is discussed. The oral G-spot located toward the back of the hard palate in the mouth is illustrated and explained. An interesting point is given regarding ESP: “Cultivation of olfactory sensitivity leads to ESP — extra-sensual perception — and that extra-sensual perception leads to extra-sexual perception, and extra-sexual perception ultimately leads to extra-sensory perception (page 75).” This and many more insightful gems await the reader who studies this book.

Those who enjoy the eclectic will find this concise book an enjoyable reading experience. It is written in a concise, straight-forward manner. It offers much, and it delivers. The book contains a foreword by Dr. Rudolph Ballentine, and is based upon the teachings of Dr. John Mumford. Highly recommended.

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