The 7th Annual Mid-South Paranormal Convention
Louisville, Kentucky–The 7th Annual Mid-South Paranormal Convention is coming for you on September 26-28, 2008.
Gather your family, friends, and your equipment and run, don’t walk, to Louisville, Kentucky, for the one true paranormal convention in the Mid-South. This year offers an amazing list of guests from the paranormal community that will captivate, mesmerize, and amaze anyone with their presentations and journeys into the unfamiliar. Guests include Aron Houdini, Bill Bean, Bill Chappell, Arch Bishop James Long, Dave Schrader from Darkness Radio, Doona Lacrouix from Ghost Hunters International, Dusty Smith, Jason Gowin, Keith and Sandra Johnson from Ghost Hunters, Patrick Burns, Rick Hayes, Robbie Thomas, Robert Hunnicut, Tim Yancey, and Keith Age.
This year also features a vast room of vendors offering whatever you are looking for in the paranormal. If you would like to be a vendor, guidelines, applications, and payment options can be found at
A variety of affordable packages, from the amazing EVP package to the one day general admission ticket, can be enjoyed at the Executive West Hotel, where old-fashioned Southern hospitality meets world-class facilities. Sleepless nights either partying in the Louisville nightlife or during a nightly investigation, complete with LGHS members, is guaranteed.
Ticket prices are:
EVP Package (Friday night, Saturday, Sunday)$65 prepaid and $70 at the door
Two Day Pass (Saturday and Sunday)$50 prepaid and $55 at the door
One Day Pass (Saturday or Sunday)$25 prepaid and $30 at the door
To prepay visit