Tarot and Individuation: A Jungian Study of Correspondences with Cabala, Alchemy, and the Chakras

Tarot and Individuation: A Jungian Study of Correspondences with Cabala, Alchemy, and the ChakrasTarot and Individuation: A Jungian Study of Correspondences with Cabala, Alchemy, and the Chakras
By Dr. Irene Gad
Publisher: Nicolas-Hays (August 2004)
Pages: 456 – Price: $29.95

Ghostvillage.com review

This an important nonfiction book, and it will have major appeal to those readers interested in Jungian thought, and how Jungian thought applies to occult perspectives such as the Cabala, alchemy and the chakras. Well-written, and clearly written, it is a delightful collection which entertains as it educates.

Dr. Gad places emphasis on the major arcana of the tarot. She suggest that the first ten trumps represent the true descent of spirit into matter. This is in direct reference to the cabalistic “Flash of Lightning.” She then follows with the remaining eleven trumps as reference to the difficult journey back. This is in direct reference to the cabalistic “Path of the Serpent.”

What is most intriguing about this fine reference book is Dr. Gad’s skill and writing ability to show readers how to utilize the tarot as a method for discovering your personal awareness and humanity. The numerous illustrations in the book help further detail and explain information for the readers.

There is much symbolism in the tarot and how it relates to other perspectives. If you are new to the tarot, this book will answer many questions. This book is one of the most complete explorations of the complex symbolism within the twenty-two major arcane of the tarot. There is also a section concerning Kundalini Yoga. Since 1994 Dr. Irene Gad has been co-leading annual seminars on The Symblic Life in Cape Cod, Massachusetts.

A nice reading experience. Highly recommended for its applications to tarot. This book would make a nice gift for a friend, for personal home library use, and as a book to have your local public librarian order for its library patrons.

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