Seduction and the Secret Power of Women: The Lure of Sirens and Mermaids

Seduction and the Secret Power of Women: The Lure of Sirens and Mermaids by Meri LaoSeduction and the Secret Power of Women: The Lure of Sirens and Mermaids
By Meri Lao
Publisher: Park Street Press (October 2007)
Pages: 230 – Price: $19.95 review

A truly enjoyable history with illustrations, this is the definitive to date look at the lure of sirens and mermaids. It should have a wide appeal to readers of the supernatural. The illustrations and photos are unusual, and thought-provoking.

A straight-ahead and honest look at the female archetypes of the sirens and mermaids, the book goes back to antiquity and works its way to the present with a superb and well-written analysis. The book covers a 3,000 year relationship between humans and these sirens and mermaids of myth, legend, and reality.

There are five full chapters of lore in the book. A well-written and lengthy introduction sets the state for what is to come. The chapters cover the sirens in detail, and the forms they take on. A chapter on modern sirens covers some intriguing looks at modern day approaches in movies. Translated from the Italian by John Oliphant of Rossie in collaboration with the author, this book makes for fascinating reading.

The book is entertaining and literate. As a reference text, it is imaginative, logical, concise, and presents a complete analysis of its subject matter in detail. Highly recommended.

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