Real Ghosts, Restless Spirits, and Haunted Places

Real Ghosts, Restless Spirits, and Haunted PlacesReal Ghosts, Restless Spirits, and Haunted Places
By Brad Steiger
Publisher: Visible Ink Press (September 2003)
Pages: 615 – Price: $24.95 review

Visible Ink Press has published a remarkable book with Brad Steiger’s collection on ghosts, spirits, and haunted places. This is the type of book which ghost hunters and paranormal readers will find fascinating, and a helpful reference.

There are thirty chapters in the book, plus four appendix references. Of special note is Appendix A which covers areas of the United States heavily populated by ghosts. A sampling of the chapter titles will give the reader an idea of what is waiting to be read: haunted houses and apartments, spirits seen at deathbeds and funerals, ghosts that gave proof of their existence, apparitions of religious figures, haunted churches, strange beings that masquerade as humans, ghosts from outer space, among others.

Most readers have read or heard of prolific author Brad Steiger. Noted for his documented books, this is another in a long line of entertaining and educational reading journeys. 

This is a book that should be in the home library of readers of the paranormal. There is so much material that it is a delight to return to the book often for re-readings. There are numerous highly fascinating incidents, such as the ghosts who haunt the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel, among other unusual facts.

This is a ghost book for people who love reading about ghosts and researching about ghosts. You will not be disappointed in this fine and well-written nonfiction work. 

Highly recommended as a reference guide to ghosts. 

Click here to buy this book now.

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