My Life as a Psychic
By Gavin Cromwell
Publisher: Kestrel Books (October 31 2008)
Pages: 180 – Price: $17.99 review
As a sensitive directly involved with the paranormal and supernatural, I found My Life as a Psychic enjoyable, and I would urge any person serious about learning about contemporary psychics to study this fine book with care. It is honest, and straight-ahead in its approach.
There are twelve chapters in the book, and each one covers different aspects of psychic Gavin Cromwell’s experiences. His first visual contact comes at age four in Tredegar House, and from that point on, his life as a psychic unfolds.
Entertaining, and written in a conversational tone, this book is lively and enjoyable. Cromwell discusses his encounters in the Lizzie Borden house and Salem, and his psychic adventures in Massachusetts during 2007 when he undertook a promotional tour as a psychic.
The readers will find some highly interesting techniques in the chapter, “My Psychic Toolbox.” Other chapters of special interest include “The Beatles Saga,” “Animals and Me,” and “Witchcraft and Me.” The illustrations are by Gavin Cromwell and Joanna Howells, and the photographs are by Gavin Cromwell and Martin Clowes.
I would highly recommend this book to the readers of the paranormal and supernatural. If you are interested in ghosts, and other kinds of paranormal activity, this is a book you will relish reading from the beginning to the end of the book! If you are interested in learning more about the author, check him out at, and his publisher at
Gavin Cromwell is to be congratulated on for writing a fine book. My Life as a Psychic is a winner in all aspects. Give it a reading! You won’t be disappointed. Gavin Cromwell is a genuine psychic, and he shares his paranormal experiences in an open, friendly manner that will delight all readers of this excellent book.
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