How do you and Maureen initially approach a haunting?
I chose the cases depending on the stories, the location, and how much it intrigues me. Once a case has been selected, I set a date and gather the team members that I think might be useful for the particular case. I try to keep the team in the dark, revealing only the pertinent information (especially to Maureen, who for the most part doesn’t even know where we are going). Once we have arrived, I do a walk through with the owner by myself. I really do not want to know too much detail, but primarily to get the “lay of the land,” so I know where to concentrate my resources. Then we set up our base camp, deploy our equipment, and do a baseline walk through. Once set up, we usually begin our investigation by checking out a specific area. From then on it is very fluid and reactive. Each case and location is different.
Both of you have written a few books now. Is there a particular location that keeps calling you back? If so, why?
Portsmouth Harbor Lighthouse. I have been investigating it since 2005, and each time I do an investigation I receive more and more parts of the puzzle as to who haunts it. My experiences there have also verified many of the reports from the Coast Guard and other witnesses, which is pretty cool.
More Ghost Chronicles is a compendium of some of your many case files. Is there any location that shook you up? One that you would NOT want to go back to?
No, not really. The nastier the case the more it intrigues me. Maybe it is my hockey mentality, but I don’t like things or places getting the best of me. It only makes me more determined. I guess in all of the case I have investigated the only place I would not go back was the convict’s house from the first book, Ghost Chronicles who had been just released from prison for murder. For obvious reasons.
What is about New England that lends itself to so many hauntings?
History that is unique to New England. It is all about history, because without history there can be no ghosts.
I noticed in More Ghost Chronicles you include some of your investigations outside of your home base of New England. Gettysburg is in there, as is Georgia. Do you notice a regional difference when you’re investigating the paranormal in other parts of the country?
No not really. A ghost is a ghost and a haunting is a haunting no matter where it is. However, I do notice that paranormal groups from different regions approach investigating differently.
Can you share a frightening moment you experienced will investigating these cases for your new book?
I don’t really get frightened while investigating, but perhaps the most difficult case was dealing with the attacks of the entity in the Freetown State Forrest. Especially since I had just had a heart operation and was split from stem to stern.
What’s the most compelling paranormal evidence you’ve collected in this new batch of cases?
The answering machine tape in the Case of the Reverend’s Secret. Embedded under the greeting was a little girl’s voice giving directions to her grave.
Have you ever had something paranormal follow you home after an investigation?
No. But Maureen has. In the first book Ghost Chronicles, we tell of how an entity followed her home and to much the surprise of her husband, who… how do I say this… got a little amorous with it. LOL
What’s your dream investigation location?
A single location would be Shackleton’s Shack Cape Royd’s Antarctica. A single area would be Prague.
What’s your favorite breakfast?
Coffee and Pie.
Visit the Web site of the: New England Ghost Project.
Published: October 2018
Pages: 256
Price: $16.95
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