Magic and the Power of the Goddess: Initiation, Worship, and Ritual in the Western Mystery Tradition

Magic and the Power of the Goddess: Initiation, Worship, and Ritual in the Western Mystery Tradition by Gareth KnightMagic and the Power of the Goddess: Initiation, Worship, and Ritual in the Western Mystery Tradition
By Gareth Knight
Publisher: Destiny Books (April 2008)
Pages: 214 – Price: $14.95 review

In the books about magick and ritual, Gareth Knight has crafted a fine book concerning the goddess theme that is discovered in the Western esoteric traditions. The author of thirty books concerning magick, he lives in England and was trained in the esoteric school founded by Dion Fortune. He has been active in magick and occult studies since the early 1960s.

This book will find a favorable reception with all those readers interested in Goddess Magick, and the guidelines for initiation, worship, and ritual are well-designed and expressed. The book introduces the reader to the magick circle maze dance and the evocation of the Goddess.

On page 48 is found the section about evoking the Goddess. Topics covered in-depth include ancient heroes and the goddess powers, the sacred mysteries of Isis revealed, trembling of the veil of orthodoxy, the Lady Venus in Rosicrucian alchemy, the Faery Queen and the Magic Mountain, among others. The reader will find this a most fascinating reading experience. The Isis section is intriguing with its applications.

Perhaps the following quote by the author in his introduction to this book best explains his goals, and what he hopes to share with the readers, which he successfully does: “Only when we begin to understand the true nature of things and our relationship to them will we be liberated from the narrow limits we have imposed upon ourselves.”

This book is must-reading for those interested in goddess power. Well-written, it will educate you and entertain you at the same time! Congratulations to the author, Gareth Knight, on a job well-done.

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