Llewellyn’s 2005 Witches’ Spell-A-Day Almanac: Holidays & Lore, Spells & Recipes, Rituals & Meditations
Publisher: Llewellyn Publications (July 2004)
Pages: 264 – Price: $7.95
Ghostvillage.com review
This collection of magickal information will appeal to a large range of readers. The book covers spells, auspicious days, the daily moon signs and phases with daily colors and incense, various tips on how to add special star power to your spells, seasonal recipes, rites and rituals, and special spells for love, money, beauty, communications, health, home, and travel. There are many contributors to this fine collection including Denise Dumars, Ruby Lavendaer, Edain McCoy, S. Y. Zenith, James Kambos, among others.
On page 258 is an interesting reference guide to daily magickal influences. A discussion of how each day is ruled by a planet is given. For example: “Saturday (Saturn): longevity, exorcism, endings, homes, and houses.”
This book is an enjoyable reading experience. Some of these recipes are a delight! Check out June 21 on page 126 and October 23 on page 208. Entertaining reading!
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