Lammas: Celebrating the Fruits of the First Harvest
By Anna Franklin and Paul Mason
Publisher: Llewellyn Publications (June 2001)
Pages: 276 – Price: $17.95 review
This is an important book because it explains and defines an important subject oftentimes slighted or overlooked. At one time, the Celtic festival referred to as Lughnasa, was highly celebrated as the first harvest. It became known as Lammas.
Today, when crop production is taken for granted year-round, it is forgotten that in olden times the failure of the harvest meant starvation, and death. Early August was the time to celebrate the first harvest and work positive magick for prosperity and protection.
In this finely written book, the origins and customs are explained and compared to other festivals around the world. The book contains many excellent recipes for seasonal food, wine, and incense. Directions and explanations are given for performing spells, songs, games, rituals, and other topics. Details for creating traditional crafts such as totem shields are shared with the reader. For the curious, for the the novice Witch, or for the experienced Witch, this book will give much information of value.
Anna Franklin has been a practicing Pagan for thirty years and is a High Priestess. Paul Mason is an artist and photographer. They live in England. Together, they created the Sacred Circle Tarot.
This book is probably the best social history of Lammas written, and the spells and rituals are accurate. Entertaining reading from beginning to end, this book pleases as well as educates.
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