Kabbalistic Healing: A Path to an Awakened Soul
Kabbalistic Healing: A Path to an Awakened Soul
By Jason Shulman
Publisher: Inner Traditions (August 2004)
Pages: 184 – Price: $14.95
Ghostvillage.com review
This nonfiction book ranks among the best of its kind, a book that I found completely absorbing, honest, straight forward, and educational. Jason Shulman is known world-wide for his spiritual teachings and as a modern Kabbalist. He is also a recognized teacher in the Buddhist linege of Shaka Kendo Rich Hart and founder of A Society of Souls. For those interested in A Society of Souls, contact is www.kabbalah.org
The Kabbalah, which is the definitive Jewish mystical pathway to comprehending reality, is at the heart of this well-written book. In an effort to unite with the divine, there is an analysis of awakening the soul — a true awakening to the true nature within us. All we have to do is wake up!
Among the many interesting chapters are “Leaving the Limited,” “Living Between the Light and Dark: The Holy Ego,” “Within Death,” and “Prayer: The Concrete Path.” The seven chapters in the book will give the reader much to think about, and consider.
Excellent writing. Clearly explained. Highly recommended.
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