Witness: Margaret Compton
Location: Fayette, Missouri
Date of Encounter: September 2004
I moved to Fayette in August of 2004 to be with my husband, then boyfriend, and to attend school at Central Methodist University. I decided that since my husband and I had never lived together before that it would be wise to live in the dorms for a while. I moved in, and after a week or two, I suddenly got sick with sinus problems. I asked my boyfriend, Dustyn, if I could stay with him until my sinus problems cleared. He agreed and in two days they were fine, so I went back to the dorms and soon got sick again.
Dustyn and I talked about it, and after much thought we decided that it would be wise for me to stay with him unofficially, at least until I could get the college to agree to let me live off campus. So for the time we lived in an apartment complex above an old abandoned gas station. The apartment we rented was actually two apartments made into one. The last half was an economy apartment, and Dustyn had claimed that as his bed room. Though I didn't like staying at his place by myself, I didn't like being sick either. Dustyn worked nights at the Walmart out of town, and so I was left to myself most of the night.
One night I was asleep and I rolled over with my eyes half open and thought I saw my husband walk from the bathroom, through the bedroom, and into the kitchen, making his way to the front door. I started to fall back asleep when I woke up suddenly, asking what he was doing here, because he should have been at work by this time. I searched the apartment and no one was there.
Our Roommate, who didn't stay the night very often, confided in me that he would often, when half asleep, see someone walk from the back bedroom through to the living room. He would sit up and search, but no one would be there and he didn't stay often because he had a creepy feeling about the place. I let it go thinking that it was just our imagination.
A few weeks later, I finally got sick of the creepy feeling and asked a friend to stay the night with me while Dustyn was at work. She was to sleep in the back bedroom with me, so I told her to get comfortable while I locked up the apartment. I locked the front door, and turned off the light, and as I passed from the living room into the roommate's bedroom, my boyfriends 250-pound entertainment center fell behind me. I spun around on the bed, and held my hand to my heart. My friend came out and asked what was wrong, and said that I looked as if I saw a ghost. I said, "Well, that's fitting because I think I just did, the entertainment center fell over." She told me it hadn't and I said, "Yes it has go look for yourself it almost fell on top of me." She went and turned on the light and sure enough the entertainment center was fine, untouched. I figured myself crazy and went to bed. Later that same friend told me that she saw someone walk from the bathroom through the rest of the house, thinking it was me, she followed, only to find me laying on our roommate's bed with my hand over my heart.
By this time I was getting sick of things, and said to myself that I wasn't going to let some spook scare me away from my boyfriend. So while he was at work I decided to be nice and hang his clean laundry up. As I was doing so I began to hear a rattling sound from behind me. I guessed it was a truck driving by and ignored it, and then suddenly I see a glass hit the wall next to me and shatter. I turned to see if someone had thrown the glass only to see another one lift off the table and fly at me. I ran out of the house and didn't come back for a few days.
When I did come back I had my roommate, his girlfriend, and two other friends of ours with me. We decided that we were going try and pick up an EVP so we left a recorder in the room with an extra sensitive microphone and let it sit for about five hours while we stayed in the living room and watched a few movies. When the movies were done we got the tape and listened intently to see what we could find. My friends and I all heard a heart beat, a woman scream a few times (which wasn't the result of the movie, since we had been watching Blue Collar Comedy Tour, and The Princes Diaries, and the same woman's voice saying over and over again, "Help me, help me, help me, help me." You could hear bits and pieces of the movies when they got loud, but the voice you could tell came from inside the room. My friend I think still has the tape. One of the other friends that came over decided she wanted to try an automatic writing session, where you write what messages the spirits have to give. I cautioned her not to since she had never done such a thing, but she went anyway. Alone. We went back to check on her after about fifteen minuets, and she had a whole pad of paper filled with drawings, which sadly I burned once this whole ordeal was over with. There was a picture of a woman who was murdered, and the words "I hate you" written all over the place. and "I'll kill you, I'll kill you," they were very disturbing images. She said she felt someone connected to her, someone evil. Having had enough of ghost hunting for one night we took her to the college chapel so she could pray and as we walked in we turned all the lights on. When she walked through the door every light in the church blew. We Ran! I had a friend come over and perform a religious rite on the apartment, but it wasn't too long after the incidents that my boyfriend and I married and moved into Married Student Housing, where we haven't had a problem since. The apartment complex we use to live in still goes with out a new resident, except for the spirit that still calls it home.