Documentary Focuses Upon Interest in the Paranormal

FAIRFIELD, PENNSYLVANIA — Exspiro Productions announces the release of their documentary, entitled, “The Other Side: Giving Up the Ghost.” The documentary examines the relationships between reported paranormal phenomena, ghost stories, ghost tours, the media’s portrayal of paranormal investigation, science, belief, and psychology. The documentary, which is just over 80 minutes in length, was filmed during the summer and autumn of 2006.

Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, home to 14 ghost tour companies in 2006, has become the epicenter of ghost culture. The town and surrounding battlefield are popular destinations for those who are fascinated by ghosts and ghost stories. Each year, thousands of people find their way to this place, forever hallowed by the men who fought and died there in 1863. The Other Side: Giving Up the Ghost examines what drives our interest in the paranormal, and how the media and popular culture fuel this fascination. The film invites you to journey through the unknown with skeptics, tour guides, historians, philosophers, authors, and paranormal investigators. The goal of the film-makers was to demystify that which has traditionally been sensationalized by the media.

Much of film’s footage was obtained in Gettysburg, PA, but St. Louis, MO, Amherst, NY, Richmond, VA, Philadelphia, PA, and Allentown, PA, were visited during the course of filming. Andy and Tonya Keyser, founders of Exspiro Productions, conducted research for the film over the past seven years. The film features some icons of the ghost research community, including Mark Nesbitt, John Zaffis, and Jack Roth. The film will be released on DVD on May 1, 2007.

The Keysers have recently completed their first book, which is a companion to the film. It is entitled In the Shadow of Science: Illuminating Ghost Research. They have also been preparing for their launch of The Journal of Paranormal Research, a publication which will highlight scientific investigation of paranormal claims and provide a venue for members of the paranormal research community to share their data. Exspiro Productions recently completed filming for the first of a series of DVDs with author and historian Mark Nesbitt.

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