Companion for the Apprentice Wizard
By Oberon Zell-Ravenheart
Publisher: New Page Books (January 2006)
Pages: 201 – Price: $18.99 review
The magickal practices and techniques shared by Oberon Zell-Ravenheart make this one of the most engaging and enjoying reading experiences for the reader! The chapters are arranged so they reflect the Departments of Oberon’s Grey School. Instructions are provided for wizardry, healing, alchemy, mathemagicks, nature, wortcunning, lifeways, ceremonial magick, practice, divination, beast mastery, lore, metaphysics, performance magick, cosmology and metaphysics, and sorcery.
This unusual book also offers a fine selection of hand-drawn diagrams of magickal objects to copy. Such items as a winged dragon and a model of the mystic pyramid are shared with the reader.
There are excellent contributions from Abby Willowroot, Jesse Wolf Hardin, Elizabeth Barrette, Fred Lamond, Ash DeKirk, Skip Ellison, Trina Robbins, Jeff McBride, Susan Pesznecker, and other teachers from The Grey School of Wizardry. A remarkable icon in the Witchcraft community worldwide, Oberon Zell-Ravenheart is the well-respected publisher for over thirty years of Green Egg magazine. Many credit him as being instrumental in founding the modern Pagan movement. A remarkable individual, he writes well and continues to share his vast knowledge with readers everywhere.
This is an educational reading experience for those interested in magick and the Pagan movement. Highly recommended.
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