The Lost Civilization of Lemuria: The Rise and Fall of the World’s Oldest Culture

The Lost Civilization of Lemuria: The Rise and Fall of the World’s Oldest Culture by Frank JosephThe Lost Civilization of Lemuria: The Rise and Fall of the World’s Oldest Culture
By Frank Joseph
Publisher: Bear & Company (May 2006)
Pages: 343 – Price: $20.00 review

Thoughtfully written, with a sense of irony and keen insight, this book is a true perspective on the rise and fall of the world’s oldest culture. This work will intrigue readers of the supernatural with its look at myth, folklore, legend, and fact. Full of surprises and documented material, this is an exciting book from beginning to end.

This book is an in-depth look at the destruction of the legendary Lemuria. This lost realm has been referenced in countless indigenous traditions which span the world from Australia and Asia to the coasts of South and North America. 

Lemuria is also known in folklore and legend as Mu. Mu was a great nation of islands and archipelagoes which spread out across the Pacific Ocean, with trade and colony locations throughout the world. Writers have speculated with just cause that this “motherland” of humanity was the original Garden of Eden.

What makes this book an unique reference is its detailed documentation of recent ocean archaeological finds, glyphs, symbols, and ancient records. There is given the basis for the widespread perennial philosophies found in many countries, and a direct link to kinship with the lost civilization of Lemuria.

The spread of the survivors following times of destruction to such areas as India, Europe, the United States, Russia, China, and the Gobi Desert is revealed and documented. The white mummies of the Gobi Desert recently unearthed in startling states of preservation add to the growing body of data about Lemuria’s survivors.

Following a well-written introduction, many topics are covered. Among the many chapters are “A Lost Super Science,” “Ancient Oceanic Technology,” “Hawaiian Motherland,” “Lemurians in America,” “The Destruction of Lemuria,” and “The Discovery of Lemuria.”

Readers will enjoy this book. It is first rate and top notch in every way! Great reading! Frank Joseph is the editor of Ancient American magazine. He is the author of many publications, among them such books as The Lost Treasure of King Juba and The Destrcution of Atlantis. Joseph lives in Colfax, Wisconsin.

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