Celtic Astrology: How the Mystical Power of the Druid Tree Signs Can Transform Your Life

Celtic Astrology: How the Mystical Power of the Druid Tree Signs Can Transform Your LifeCeltic Astrology: How the Mystical Power of the Druid Tree Signs Can Transform Your Life
By Phyllis Vega
Publisher: New Page Books (July 2002)
Pages: 255 – Price: $13.99

Ghostvillage.com review

What an unusual book, one that will attract a large following in the world of paranormal readers! Celtic Astrology involves the Druid teachings. It explains the mystical tree calendar, in which tree dryads represent the spiritual nature in people.

If you have your day and month of birth, you can discover the tree sign which opens the inner world and subconscious mind. For instance, here are some of the tree signs for reference: Birch (Dec. 24 to Jan 20), Willow (April 15 to May 12), Holly (August 5 to Sept. 1), The Nameless Day (December 23), among others.

This book will have special appeal to those interested in rituals, spells, visualizations, and Druidism. There are some interesting illustrations in this book.

Phyllis Vega is a professional astrologer, Tarot reader, and numerologist. She has been writing for publication since 1973 and is the author of several books.

For an interesting, entertaining reading experience, Celtic Astrology should bring much new information to the reading audience. There are four parts to the book, plus appendix listings, bibliography, resources, and index. There is also a section of spells, including ones for astral travel, meditation, and prosperity. Celtic Astrology is full of surprises and a delightful reading experience!

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