Morehead City, North Carolina–Have you ever believed that your home or business is “haunted?” Would you be interested in having a professional paranormal team help solve the mystery? Enter your “haunted” place in the Crystal Coast Paranormal Research Symposium Lottery. If your site is selected, one of North Carolina’s most renowned paranormal investigation teams will research your site and report on their findings.
On November 6 & 7, 2009, the Webb Memorial Library will host the Crystal Coast Paranormal Research Symposium. Ten paranormal investigation teams will conduct research in some of Carteret County’s most haunted places. Preliminary results of the investigations and other seminars on paranormal research and education will be presented to the public on Saturday, November 7 from 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. upstairs at the Crystal Coast Civic Center.
In preparation for this event, the symposium organizers are seeking haunted sites that can be made available for paranormal investigation. Initial inquiries have resulted in more requests for research teams than can be accommodated, so sites will be selected by lottery. To be eligible for the drawing, you must present anecdotal evidence of spirit manifestations, allow a research team access from 7:00 pm to 6:00 am on November 5, 6, or 7, 2009, and be willing to brief the team prior to their arrival on site. An initial $10 fee will be required to enter your haunted place in the lottery. An additional $50 investigation fee will be required for the paranormal site visit, analysis, and a full report on your haunted site. Private property addresses will be confidential and results can also be kept confidential if so desired.
Haunted Site Lottery entrants will be selected at random on September 21, 2009 and will be notified by telephone no later than September 23, 2009. To be eligible for the haunted site lottery, please submit a request form and fee to the Webb Memorial Library at 812 Evans Street in downtown Morehead City. Request forms are available at the Library or on the Symposium website at The forms request basic information such as property address, site history and information about previously experienced paranormal activity.
Investigation findings on Carteret County’s haunted places are one part of a two day paranormal research symposium that will feature:
- Opportunities to join a team while they conduct their investigations on November 5 & 6 ($50)
- “Ghost Stories of Carteret County” Dinner on Friday, November 6 ($35)
- A full day of informative seminars, panel discussions, and reports on local hauntings
- November 7 ($10 each seminar / $50 for the day / Student discount with ID)
All proceeds benefit the very haunted and historic Webb Memorial Library and Civic Center. For more information and updates please visit the Webb Memorial Library website at; the official PRS web site at or call the Library at 252.726.3012. Additional information is also available by emailing