Buckland’s Book of Saxon Witchcraft
By Raymond Buckland
Publisher: Weiser Books (January 2005)
Pages: 155 – Price: $14.95
Ghostvillage.com review
It is always an education and a reading entertainment to come across a Raymond Buckland book. You can be assured of topnotch writing, and many useful facts.
This book publication marks the 30th anniversary edition of this title with a new introduction by the author. Raymond Buckland is considered one the fathers of modern Wicca, and was instructed by the late Gerald Gardner to bring the tradition of Wicca to the United States. Buckland is the author of numerous books. For information about the author go to this Ghostvillage.com Resource article.
This short, concise book is a contemporary classic of Wicca. It explores in-depth the subject of Wicca from a solitary perspective and is a complete introduction to Saxon Witchcraft, which is also known as Saex-Wicca. History, folklore, spirituality, and other topics are covered.
There is much material here for the reader. Topics covered include Saxon deities and their beliefs, introduction to Saxon runes, instructions for initiation ceremonies, rites for Sabbats, magick, spells, and a rite of self-initiation. This detailed rite of self-initiation will allow individuals to form their own covens.
Readers will discover much in this book. There is much to learn, and Buckland shares his knowledge in a literate, helpful manner.
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