Angry School Spirit

Witness: Ania
Location: Chicago, Illinois
Date of Encounter: April 10, 2002

I live right across the street from a haunted school. It was built in 1898, but I think it's older than that — the building is very ugly. Cobwebs in the basement, cracked ceilings on the third floor, warped doors in the hallways, and when you drink form the water fountain the cold water gets steaming hot.

The school is like a weird maze — from the outside you see that one room has four windows but when you get in the room it now has three. One day I had brought my camera to school and decided to take pictures of the most scariest and weirdest parts of the school. The auditorium, the gym, the basement, and the third floor.

Everybody thinks the basement is the scariest because it's cold down there and you could get lost, but I think the third floor is the scariest. I was up there by myself taking pictures of the windows at the end of the long hallway right by the old warped staircase. I just started to take one beautiful picture of the windows when someone pushed me down the stairs. I broke my camera and also my ankle and wrist. I looked up in time to see a black shadow float up the wall. I think this ghost really wants me to leave him alone.

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