Witness: Goldie Fleming
Location: Barbers Point, Hawaii
Date of Encounter: Summer of 1983
This strange encounter happened sometime at the end of 1983. We (ex-husband, four-year-old daughter, son not quite one year yet, and me, the mother) were stationed in Barbers Point, Hawaii. I was getting ready to make a trip back home to Ohio. I never liked sleeping in the dark, but my husband at the time liked the darkness. I remember waking up like I was being smothered by this big black thing (a big giant spider is what I thought it to be). Whatever it was, I touched it when I was frantically swiping it away and screaming. I jumped up, switched on the overhead light, and followed what looked like a black steam cloud from a tea kettle. It went into the kids' room. It went straight to the baby's crib, and hovered there. By this time I was frantic, screaming, and yelling for it to leave. It quickly raised up from the crib, and exited out the window. By this time, everyone was awake and I related the story to my husband at the time. He thought I was crazy! A few days later my daughter, new baby son, and I flew to Ohio to show him off to the family.