Witchcraft: A Mystery Tradition

Witchcraft: A Mystery TraditionWitchcraft: A Mystery Tradition
By Raven Grimassi
Publisher: Llewellyn Publications (September 2004)
Pages: 268 – Price: $14.95

Ghostvillage.com review

Raven Grimassi has created another incredibly well-written nonfiction work that is filled with fresh facts and is enjoyable reading. There is much to learn in this book!

For instance, everybody is aware of the symbol of the skull and crossbones. But were you aware of the following facts surrounding it: Page 110: “The skull signifies knowledge and wisdom in the Mystery Tradition. It is supported by crossed bones, symbolizing guardianship and power over the realm of death.” Such factual data makes this a fine book to have on your reference shelf, and as a gift for a friend. It would be a good reading item for your local Public Library to order for its reading patrons who are interested in an honest approach to Witchcraft.

Other topics covered in this fine book include Witchcraft and the Old World, prehistoric religion and the ancient world, the otherworld, the underworld, the mythos, nature as a blueprint, the God of the Witches, the Horned God, the Green Man, the Witches’ Goddess, the Fate Goddess, Summerland, reincarnation, the moon tree, the powers of light and darkness, the Witches’ Sabbats, as above so below, deity forms, the nature of magical links, the altar, the circle as an energy field and sacred well, the harmony of spirit, and Baphomet the Sabbatic Goat. A nice bibliography comes with the book and appendix material.

For a highly readable reference book, this is ideal. Besides being educational, it is also entertaining. Once again, Raven Grimassi has written a winner, and his honest approach to his subject matter makes this a must-have book for your personal use!

Click here to buy this book now.

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