Walking with Grandfather: The Wisdom of Lakota Elders
Walking with Grandfather: The Wisdom of Lakota Elders
By Joseph M. Marshall III
Publisher: Sounds True (November 2005)
Pages: 115 includes CD – Price: $19.95
Ghostvillage.com review
Joseph M. Marshall III is the well-known and respected Lakota storyteller, and he shares with the reader this book and CD via way of an amazing insight into the storytelling tradition of the Sioux. Through the construct of story, the Lakota elders pass on their heritage and wisdom.
The fourteen page introduction sets the tone for this fine look at the importance of identity. A combination of folklore, legend, fact, and myth are the backdrops for the philosophical approaches shared with the readers. Each story is a gem of clarity, and the wisdom seeps through like a gentle, flowing creek of fresh water.
These insights cover many facets of philosophical inquiry. Such lore as found in “The Shadow Man” and “The Circle of Life” are memorable. The wonderful look at that which is that is evident in “The End of the Journey Is the Beginning.” Readers will find the afterword, “The Wisdom Within,” of special enjoyment.
To understand the wisdom teachings of the American Indian, one has to understand the manner in which it is presented. This book is a fine example, and one which should be read by many. The CD is a wonderful treat to listen to. If you are interested in how the wisdom of the Lakota Elders is presented, you will find your appreciation of the cultural aspects of the first true Americans is greatly amplified.
This is a book of discovery. Walking with Grandfather will share its wisdom and enlightenment in the way in which you best wish to receive it. Highly recommended.
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