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The Wicca Handbook by Eileen HollandThe Wicca Handbook
By Eileen Holland
Publisher: Weiser (May 2000)
Pages: 309 – Price: $16.95 review

In The Wicca Handbrook, Holland shares her extensive knowledge with the readers in many different, and educational ways. She gives extensive correspondence tables, among other items of interest. Like Holland’s many other published writings, she helps to educate readers worldwide about what Witchcraft is, and what Wicca is. 

Following her introduction, she places the book into three parts. She also includes with the bibliography, glossary, and index, a special index for spells. Part 1 is about becoming a Witch, and what is genuinely involved in following this path. She discusses the Book of Shadows, tools, how to cast spells and make invocations, and the techniques for writing spells. 

Part 2 is about the Craft itself, and covers such topics as love, magick, sex magick, and wisdom. Part 3 is an extensive analysis of Correspondences with emphasis on the Cardinal Points, the Lords of the Watchtowers, the Heavenly Bodies, Animal Kingdom, Colors, Metals, Rocks and Gemstones, Letters, and Numbers.

If you want to learn about how to become a Witch, this book by Holland is a topnotch reading and learning journey. It is entertaining and well-written. The Wicca Handbook is one of the best in its field.

Eileen Holland is an eclectic, solitary Witch. Those who are interested in knowing more about her can contact her at her website which is at

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