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The Solitary Wiccan's BibleThe Solitary Wiccan’s Bible
By Gavin and Yvonne Frost
Publisher: Weiser Books (November 2004)
Pages: 270 – Price: $19.95 review

For the readers curious and interested as to who Gavin and Yvonne Frost are, this is an excellent introduction to their writings. With over 20 books published, they have established themselves successfully as leading Witches in contemporary Wicca. They co-founded the Church and School of Wicca in 1968 and their website is located at

The contents of this well-researched book includes a list of figures, a list of tables, an introduction, and twelve chapters. There are three appendices, and notes.

Among the chapters are such topics as the pilgrimage of Wicca, the pilgrim chooses a path, spell work, talismans, principles of Wiccan belief, definition of Wicca, and circles, ellipses, and the measure. Each chapter is enlightening. There is also a healthy dose of humor in the writing!

This is a good, solid reading experience. The book is an excellent reference on Wicca. The book is something the public library should have on hand for its patrons as it is an honest look at Witchcraft and dispels the many falsehoods about the religion.

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