Irish Witchcraft from an Irish Witch
Irish Witchcraft from an Irish Witch
By Lora O’Brien
Publisher: New Page Books (October 2004)
Pages: 221 – Price: $14.99 review
Readers will take delight in this well-written book, another in a long line of fine books from the publishers at New Page Books. This is about Witchcraft in Ireland.
Lora O’Brien is an Irish Witch, professional tarot reader, and a High Priestess of Crow Coven. She lives in Ireland and she knows of what she writes!
This book gives an investigation of what actually is the Witch’s place in Irish mythology. The customs connected with the Sidhe are examined. Irish deities are discussed, along with the festivals, Wheel of the Year, and Irish customs. An important part of this book is the honest look it provides at understanding the ritual progression through a Witch’s life.
Topics covered in the book include myth and legends, folk and fairies, land and gods, and stages of a Wtich’s life. For something unusual, and enjoyable reading, give this book a look. You won’t regret it! Lora O’Brien is a graceful writer, her prose smooth and fluid, and she weaves her research in a charming manner.
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