Ghosts, Haunting, and Legends
Home Encounters The Girl on the Lake

Photo by Frank Grace
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Witness: Bill Warren
Location: Trillium Lake, Oregon
Date of Encounter: September 1, 2014

My name is Bill Warren. I was up at Trillium lake next to Mt. Hood on Labor Day weekend. I was camping with a few friends, and they were drinking a lot. Since I am two years sober, and they were getting super drunk, I was a little anxious. I decided to go for a walk. I walked around for a while around the lake when I saw what looked like a little girl standing on the water. It was dark, but I could still tell it was a girl because of her long hair. I remember calling out something to her. It was dark, but what I do remember is her turning. I remember it because I saw these two glowing eyes. It was the last thing I saw, because it freaked me out and I fell over backward.

When I looked back up she was gone. I have been freaking out about this thinking I was crazy. One of my friends told me it would make me feel better to report it. After I looked online your guys site popped up to report ghost encounters.

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